The list has now grown so long, that I am working on my book Climbing Mount Ararat: Love and Betrayal in Kurdistan. There are many intriguing characters, plots and subplots. The exposure of the discovery of Noah's Ark fraud has got people on four continents now investigating Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) and their media arm, MEDIA Evangelism Limited (ME) in Hong Kong. We are not involved with them except to expose the fraud. We run an honest tourism business and hope you will choose us for your Ararat summit trip.
Mount Ararat Trek
Dogubayazit, Agri, eastern Turkey
Mountain Climbing ~ Film Expeditions ~ Cultural Tours ~ Searching for Noah's Ark
Home Mountain Treks Cultural Tours Map Contact Warnings! Stories Warning Against Climbing Mount Ararat!
47 Reasons Not to Climb Mt. Ararat, Agri, TurkeyRevised September 1, 2013 by Mount Ararat Trek
specializing in Mount Ararat summits in eastern Turkey
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One travel agent from Poland contacted me with her misadventure in 2010 with a "guide" she found on the web. When we heard her tale, we and the Governor's office offered her a free trip. She wrote, "I had this strange experience with the guide who didn’t know the way!!!! He was walking follow me, screaming that he is afraid, because 'it is very dangers here'. We had camp II, too low and on the summit day we get out from the tent too late. I tried tell him about this night before, but he didn’t know the English, so he didn’t understand me. On the way up, few times he tried to convince me, that we are already on the summit, but it was not true! Finally, 200-300 m from the summit (it was foggy, so I don’t know exactly where I was; I asked him several times where is the summit, but he didn’t know) he run down and left me alone up there in snowy storm (probably he was really afraid!). When I get to the tents in camp II, he already start to pack up, although we had agreement for 4 days/3 nights , and we have been only 3 days/2nights – so we didn’t even try to go up again next day. I am the woman nearly 50 years old, I climb for more than 30 years now, and I was climbing in a lot of mountains, in all over the world but I newer ewer had such situation! Also, I would like to thank you, that you are interested in my case, because I think, activities of such Agencies like xxxxxx, is really danger for the tourist and climbers going on Mt Ararat."
There is a common Kurdish saying, "Not everything in life is about money," and that goes for choosing what company you will use for taking your Ararat trip.
My next business partner then invited me to be business partners, and so we did a good business together in 2010, sending people to the summit. I did reservations from my home in Barbados. In October 2010, I learned that he had owed the horsemen, guides, and grocery store $18,000 US. He has since paid this debt. That is why now I, Amy Beam - Mount Ararat Trek, collect 100% of your tour payment in advance, to control the money and make sure everyone is paid. In November 2010, Mehmet Ceven, another former partner of Hakan Basboga, asked me to be his business partner. The partnership never got off the ground for 2011, before I learned that Mehmet is involved with the Noah's Ark fraud which you can read about below. I now work in partnership with Solymos Turizm, a licensed Turkish TURSAB travel agency, with over 20 years' experience doing business in tourism. Together we work with local Mount Ararat guides who have been to the summit many times. Think of me as your advocate and protector.
2011, 2012, 2013 Copyright by
Amy L. Beam, Ed.D.
email us
skype: amyLbeam